“Digitalisation coming ready or not”

Are UK building societies positioned to take advantage?

LT challenges – the key chart

UK households save too little and borrow too much
Source: ONS; ECB; CMMP analysis

The key message

The digitalisation of UK mortgage and savings is accelerating but structural and cyclical dynamics are challenging the strategies and profitability levels of building societies and compromising their ability to respond to the associated opportunities and challenges.

Summary of segmentation analysis

Building societies play an important role in UK financial services, helping their 25mn members to finance the purchase/building of their homes and to save.

The 43 societies currently account for 23% of outstanding UK mortgages (£337bn) and 18% of total HH savings (£297bn). The five largest account for c.90% of assets, members and industry profits. The balance sheet, members and annual profits of Nationwide, the UK’s largest building society, exceed the equivalent numbers for the rest of the industry combined.

CMMP analysis segments the industry by balance sheet, membership, infrastructure, P&L and geographic location and identifies four distinct tiers of building society.

It highlights how “the value” of members and branches and profitability drivers vary significantly across, and within, the four tiers and identifies those societies who enjoy neither the economies of scale of the Tier 1 societies nor the superior profitability (and income generation) of the smaller Tier 4 societies.

The Chairman of one society suggested recently, that many peers would be tempted to simply “trade through” the current crisis (supported by adequate capital) but that “they shouldn’t”. CMMP analysis not only supports this view but also provides a foundation for formulating the necessary strategic responses.

Please note that the summary comments above and the charts below are extracts from more detailed analysis that is available separately.

Key charts and slides

Five building societies dominate the market and Nationwide, the largest, has more assets, shares, members and generates more profits than the rest of the industry combined
Source: BSA, CMMP analysis
Challenges are reflected in divergent growth trends for assets and profits since 2015 (% CAGR)
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis
Even the more profitable societies are experiencing challenges to their profitability levels
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis
Larger building societies enjoy economies of scale (Tier 1 blue, Tier 2 red, Tier 3 green)
Source: BSA, CMMP analysis
Smaller building societies’ profitability levels reflect superior income generation (Tier 4 grey)
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis
Membership numbers and contribution vary across and within the four tiers
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis
Branch numbers and efficiency levels also vary across and within the four tiers
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis
How sacred are the industry’s sacred cows in a digitalised world?
Source: BSA; CMMP analysis