“Too much, too soon?”

China’s HH debt in the spotlight

The key chart

China’s HH credit growth continues to outstrip GDP growth (8ppt) despite the fact that the HH debt ratio (56%) is already close to the average for all BIS reporting countries (60%)
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; Haver; CMMP calculations


The PBOC published its annual Financial Stability Review (2019) this week in which it highlighted the risks associated with the rapid accumulation of household (HH) debt in China. It noted that, “the debt risks of the household sector and some low-income households in some regions are relatively prominent and should be paid attention to.” (Financial Times, 2019). This supports my recent analysis of debt sustainability in Asia, in which I concluded that “relatively high excess HH growth rates in India and China remain a key focus point.

I understand* that the PBOC’s analysis considers the period up to the end of 2018. In this post, I analyse how these risks have developed over the first three quarters of 2019 and conclude that they remain considerable. China’s HH debt ratio has risen further during 2019, with HH credit growing 9ppt faster than GDP on a three year CAGR basis. The rate of “excess credit growth” has moderated very slightly, but is still of concern given that China’s HH debt ratio (56%) is now close to the average HH debt ratio (60%) for all BIS reporting countries.

My analysis highlights two key points: (1) the level of debt needs to be considered in relation to its rate of growth (and its affordability and structure); and (2) even, in the most benign outcome, China’s increasing HH debt burden represents a key headwind for economic growth and the transition to a consumption-driven economy.

(* n.b. I have been unable to find an English version of the 2019 FSR, so my comments on its content here are based on secondary sources)

A review of last month’s analysis

High excess HH credit growth in India and China remain a key focus point (3-year CAGR RGF analysis)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Last month I concluded that:

“In summary, the risk associated with excess credit growth across EM are lower than in previous cycles. Asia stands out, however, because the highest rates of growth have occurred in economies that already have high debt ratios. In China and Hong Kong, these risks are compounded by high debt service ratios indicating rising “affordability” risks. RGFs in both economies are adjusting sharply lower in response. Risks in intermediate and emerging Asian economies appear lower, but the relatively high excess HH growth rates in India and China remain a key focus point.

Excess credit growth dynamics show divergent trends in the HH and NFC sectors in China – the NFC sector is adjusting, the HH sector is not.
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

2019 update (as at end 3Q19)

Nominal HH credit growth is slowing but remains high (17% average monthly YoY growth YTD)
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; Haver; CMMP analysis

HH credit has continued to grow strongly YTD. The average monthly YoY growth rate was 17% in nominal terms over the first nine months of 2019. This compares with an average of 19% for the full year 2018. HH credit growth continues to exceed nominal GDP growth – by 8ppt in 3Q19. As highlighted above, this is despite the fact that China’s HH debt ratio of 56% (3Q19 estimate) is closing rapidly on the average HH debt ratio for all BIS reporting economies.

The key chart repeated. There is little sign that excess credit growth is slowing sufficiently (red bars) despite the fact that the HH debt level (blue line) has closed rapidly on the BIS average for all reporting economies
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; Haver; CMMP analysis

Experience suggests that the key risk here is less to do with the level of debt and more to do with its rate of growth. In “Sustainable debt dynamics“, I introduced the simple concept of relative growth factor (RGF) analysis that I have used since the 1990s as a first step in analysing the sustainability of debt dynamics. In short, this approach compares the rate of “excess credit growth” with the level of debt penetration in a given economy. Red flags are raised when excess credit growth continues in economies that exhibit relatively high levels of leverage.

The rate of excess HH credit growth is slowing but remains unsustainably high (3Y RGF analysis)
Source: National Bureau of Statistics; Haver; CMMP analysis

The trend in China’s HH RGF is illustrated in the chart above (rolling 3Y basis). The rate of excess HH credit growth has slowed in relation to recent history but remains unsustainably high in absolute terms, in my experience. At the recent peak, HH credit was growing 11ppt faster than nominal GDP (4Q17), hence the steep gradient in the earlier chart illustrating the HH debt ratio. As at the end of 3Q19, my estimates suggest that this excess growth rate has slowed to 9%.


As a macro and monetary economist, I start by analysing the level of debt in absolute terms and in the context of its rate of growth, affordability and structure. In my experience, this is the most important feature of the LT secular investment outlook with direct implications for: economic growth; the supply and demand for credit; money, credit and business cycles; policy options investment risks and asset allocation.

The risks associated with excess HH credit growth in China remain elevated and this analysis presents a relatively extreme example of the importance of considering the level of debt together with its rate of growth. History suggests that current trends in China are unsustainable. The most benign outcome is that the rate of growth in HH borrowing slows more rapidly with negative implications for consumption and aggregate demand. In short, China’s increasing HH debt burden represents a key headwind in the transition to a consumption-driven economy.

Please note that the summary comments above are abstracts from more detailed analysis that is available separately

“The changing face of global debt”

Global finance continues to shift to the East and towards emerging markets making it unrecognisable from the industry that existed twenty years ago

The key chart

The changing face of global debt (% of total PSC) – shifting East and towards emerging markets
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis


In this post, I summarise my analysis of the latest Bank of International Settlement (BIS) Quarterly Review with respect to level and trends in global debt and global debt ratios. The key points are:

  • The level of global debt hit a new high of $183 trillion in 1Q19
  • Global debt ratios – debt expressed as a percentage of GDP – have rebounded since 3Q18, but remain below peak 1Q18 levels.
  • Deleveraging continues, however, in all sectors across the Euro Area
  • Emerging markets remain the most dynamic segment of global finance, accounting for 36% of total private sector credit compared to only 10% two decades ago
  • China remains the main driver of this growth, accounting for 24% of global PSC, but the misallocation of credit towards SOEs continues
  • Global finance continues to shift East and towards emerging markets making it unrecognisable from the industry that existed twenty years
  • Further research analyses (1) whether current trends are sustainable and (2) the associated investment risks.

A new high for global debt levels

The level and breakdown of global debt between governments, corporates (NFC) and households (HH)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

The level of global debt hit a new high of $183 trillion at the end of 1Q19. Corporate (NFC) credit is the largest sub-segment (39% of total) at $72 trillion. Government debt is the second largest sub-segment (35% of total) at $65 trillion, while household credit is the smallest sub-segment (25% of total) at $47 trillion.

Aggregating NFC and HH credit together, private sector credit totals $118 trillion or 65% of total global debt, down from 70% at the end of 2008. The shift in the balance of total debt from the private sector to government debt since the GFC reflects a shift from HH to government debt. In 2008, the split of total debt between HH, NFC and government debt was 31%, 39% and 30%. Today, the split it is 25%, 39%, 35% (1Q19).

The level and breakdown of global debt between the government and the private sector (PSC)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Leverage is also rising again…

Trends in total global debt and global debt ratios
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Global debt ratios – debt expressed as a percentage of GDP – have risen for two consecutive quarters (an end to recent deleveraging trends) but remain below peak 1Q18 levels. The outstanding stock of global debt across all sectors fell between 1Q18 and 3Q18 before rebounding in 4Q18 and 1Q19. Debt ratios have rebounded but remain below peak levels.

Viewed over a twelve month period, we can observe different forms of deleveraging in action. In the HH and government sectors the absolute stock of debt has risen (to new highs) over the past twelve months but at a slower rate than the growth in nominal GDP. This represents a passive form of deleveraging as the debt ratio declines despite the stock rising in absolute terms. In contrast, the absolute level of NFC debt in 1Q19 ($72 trillion) is slightly below the level recorded in 1Q18 ($73 trillion). Hence the fall in the NFC debt ratio from 97% to 94% over the twelve months represents a mild form of active deleveraging.

Despite the recent rebound, the NFC sector has seen a mild form of active deleveraging over the past twelve months
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Recent developments provide some support for the concept of debt thresholds ie, the level of debt above which debt becomes a drag on growth. The BIS estimate that this threshold in 90% for the NFC sector and 85% for the HH and government sectors. At the end of 1Q2019, NFC debt stood above this threshold at 94%, government debt was just below at 84%, while HH debt was well below at 60%. In short, the different form of deleveraging in the NFC sector described above reflects the fact that NFC debt ratios remain too high and above the BIS thresholds.

…except in the Euro Area

Private sector credit in the Euro Area is slightly lower now ($21 trillion) than in 3Q09 ($22 trillion)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

However, gradual deleveraging continues in all sectors in the Euro Area. Interestingly, Euro Area deleveraging began first in the HH sector where debt ratios peaked at 64% in 4Q12. As elsewhere, this has been a passive form of deleveraging where the absolute stock of HH debt rises (to a new peak level in 1Q19) at a slower rate that the growth in nominal GDP. Total, PSC, NFC and government debt levels peaked later (1Q15) and have involved both passive and active forms of deleveraging. The stock of total debt reached new highs at the end of 1Q19 in total and in the PSC and HH sectors. In contrast, it is falling in the NFC and government sector where deleveraging is in its active form and where debt ratios of 105% and 98% remain above their respective BIS threshold levels.

On-going deleveraging in the Euro Area depresses global debt ratios – but progress is slow due to the type of deleveraging involved
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Emerging market dynamism…

Trends in global debt with breakdown between advanced and emerging markets
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Emerging markets remain the most dynamic segment of global finance, accounting for 36% of total private sector credit compared to only 10% two decades ago. Emerging market PSC totalled $42 trillion at the end of 1Q19 a rise of 225% over the past ten years or a CAGR of 12% per annum. Of this, NFC credit totalled $30 trillion (71% total PSC) and HH credit totalled $12 trillion (29% total PSC). NFC credit is typically larger than HH credit in emerging markets due to their relative stage in industry development. For reference the split between NFC and HH credit in advanced economies is currently 55% and 45% respectively.

Emerging market debt accounts for 36% of total PSC versus only 10% twenty years ago
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Debt ratios are catching up with the developed world and in some cases now exceed the BIS threshold levels too. PSC, HH and NFC debt levels reached 142%, 42% and 101% of GDP at the end of 1Q19 versus respective ratios of 162%, 89% and 72% respectively for advanced economies. Note that emerging NFC debt ratios currently exceed the BIS threshold but this reflects (1) the impact of China, which is discussed below, and (2) the fact that the BIS choses to include Hong Kong (NFC debt 222% of GDP) and Singapore (NFC debt 117% of GDP) in its sample of emerging economies.

Playing “catch-up” – emerging market PS debt ratios (% GDP) are close to advanced economies’ levels
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

…driven by China

China remains the main driver of EM debt growth and now accounts for 24% of global private sector credit alone. PSC growth in China has grown 366% over the past ten years at a CAGR of 17% to reach $28 trillion at the end of 1Q19. Of this NFC credit was $21 trillion (74%) and HH credit was $7 trillion (26%), but it should be noted that China’s SOEs account for 68% of total NFC credit*.

Twenty years ago, China accounted from 3% of global debt and 31% of total EM debt. Today, these shares have risen to 24% and 67% respectively. China’s outstanding stock of debt exceeded the rest of EM in 3Q11.

China leaves the rest of EM behind after 3Q11 (PSC % GDP)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

The NFC debt ratio peaked at 163% of GDP in 1Q17 and fell to 152% in 4Q18 as the growth in NFC debt lagged growth in GDP. However, in the 1Q19, this ratio rose back to 155% and remains well above the BIS threshold of 90%.

*The supply of credit to (the more profitable) private sector NFCs remains constrained and well below the BIS threshold, highlighting the on-going misallocation of credit in the Chinese economy. Further analysis of China’s debt dynamics follows in future posts.

China’s NFC debt ratio is rising again despite being well above the BIS threshold (90%) and levels seen in the RoW
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Shifting East and towards EM

Growth in global debt increasing driven the China and EM ($ trillions)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Global finance continues to shift to the East and towards emerging markets making it unrecognisable from the industry that existed twenty years. In March 2000, global debt was structured split between advanced economies ex Euro Area (70%), the Euro Area (20%), emerging markets ex China (7%) and China (3%). Today, those splits are 47%, 18%, 12% and 24% respectively. The face of global debt is changing dramatically.

My next research analyses (1) whether current trends are sustainable and (2) the investment risks associated with these trends

The changing face of global debt (% PSC debt outstanding)
Source: BIS; Haver; CMMP analysis

Please note that the summary comments above are abstracts from more detailed analysis that is available separately.