“Don’t bet on the consumer”

Uncertainty reigns and consumption remains subdued

The key chart

The UK and EA money sectors sent a clear message this week (Source: Bank of England; ECB; CMMP analysis)

The key message

The UK and euro area (EA) money sectors sent a clear message to investors this week – don’t bet on the consumer.

Uncertainty reigns among European households. Monthly flows into deposits in the UK and EA remain 1.5-2.0x the average seen in 2019, despite negative real returns.

Yes, household lending has recovered from recent lows, driven by resilient (and rising) mortgage demand. Consumer credit demand, however, remains negative/weak. UK HHs repaid £0.6bn of consumer credit in September after additional borrowing in July (£1.1bn) and August (£0.3bn). The annual growth rate fell to -4.6%, a new low since the data series began in 1994. EA HHs borrowed €1bn for consumer credit in September, down from €3bn in August and €5bn in July, but the 0.1% YoY growth rate was the slowest since consumer credit recovered back in May 2015.

High uncertainty and slowing consumer spending were in place even before the introduction of the latest round of restrictions across Europe. No wonder that Madame Lagarde was so emphatic in warning investors to expect something more dramatic in December.

A simple message in six charts

Monthly UK household deposit flows since January 2019 (Source: Bank of England; CMMP analysis)
Monthly EA household deposit flows since January 2019 (Source: ECB; CMMP analysis)
YoY growth rates in UK and EA mortgage and consumer credit (Source: Bank of England; ECB; CMMP analysis)
Monthly UK household credit flows since January 2020 (Source: Bank of England; CMMP analysis)
Monthly EA household credit flows since January 2020 (Source: ECB; CMMP analysis)
Trends in EA and UK inflation versus target since 2010 (Source: Bank of England; ECB; CMMP analysis)

Please note that the summary comments and charts above are abstracts from more detailed analysis that is available separately